Donald Trump's income data for 2019 published

The Office of Ethics under the US Government on July 31 published an annual financial extract that contains income data for 2019 for United States President Donald Trump. Trump's financial statement of income should have been made public earlier, but due to the coronavirus pandemic, the deadlines were shifted. The document says that in general, Trump's income for 2019 year amounted to about $446 million. Of these, $21.4 million brought Trump revenues from his resort Mar-a-Lago in Florida. $77.2 million Trump brought his resort Trump National Doral Miami. The hotel in Washington brought the US president $40.5 million, a golf club in Bedminster (New Jersey) $17.7 million. Recall that even before the inauguration, Trump said that he was leaving all posts in his company Trump Organization and transferring it to the management of the sons of Donald and Eric. But Trump retained the property.


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